Sautter Gold: UC OATS - From 1 to 10: Building and Managing a Novel Application to Support UC

Session Host/Speaker(s)

Golden Award

The UC Outside Activity Tracking System (UC OATS) is a multi-campus collaboration formed to facilitate the reporting and tracking of Outside Professional Activities (OPA) and identify potential cases of Conflict of Commitment (COC). UC OATS is an interactive web-based application that that enables users to comply with the University of California, Conflict of Commitment policies: general campus faculty (APM 025), health sciences compensation plan participants (APM 671), deans (APM 240), and faculty administrators (APM 246).

In this session, we explore how the application that was built for the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA came to be adopted by all the UC campuses, how to build a long-lasting collaboration, and the future of supporting the UCs.

Read the award application.

Watch the UC OATS video.