Business Systems Analyst
Enterprise Applications
Patricia Juárez
Business Systems Analyst - University of California at Berkeley
With 30 years of experience in the IT industry in both México and the U.S. Patricia has been the Business Systems Analyst for the IST Imagine team at the University of California at Berkeley since 2007. As the lead BA, Patricia has been instrumental in bringing departments towards paperless business processes.
As a leader in her Native community Patricia has led and facilitated countless healing circles for the past fifteen years. She opened a healing circle, a safe space for women of color in UCB almost two years ago. Through this circle women of color from different backgrounds have shared their experiences and have healed and grown together.
Patricia was invited to participate in an anthology of Chicanx/Latinx spiritual practices with an essay about the spirituality of Ceremonial Attire making. The anthology titled Voices of the Ancestors was published by The University of Arizona Press in the fall of 2019. In March 2021 Ofrenda Magazine, a prestigious Chicanx Online magazine , published Patricia's recently written essay about an aspect of Indigenous people's immigrant experience (https://www.ofrendamagazine.com/articles/all-my-relations-nepantla-or-the-human-condition).
Business Systems Analyst - University of California at Berkeley
With 30 years of experience in the IT industry in both México and the U.S. Patricia has been the Business Systems Analyst for the IST Imagine team at the University of California at Berkeley since 2007. As the lead BA, Patricia has been instrumental in bringing departments towards paperless business processes.
As a leader in her Native community Patricia has led and facilitated countless healing circles for the past fifteen years. She opened a healing circle, a safe space for women of color in UCB almost two years ago. Through this circle women of color from different backgrounds have shared their experiences and have healed and grown together.
Patricia was invited to participate in an anthology of Chicanx/Latinx spiritual practices with an essay about the spirituality of Ceremonial Attire making. The anthology titled Voices of the Ancestors was published by The University of Arizona Press in the fall of 2019. In March 2021 Ofrenda Magazine, a prestigious Chicanx Online magazine , published Patricia's recently written essay about an aspect of Indigenous people's immigrant experience (https://www.ofrendamagazine.com/articles/all-my-relations-nepantla-or-the-human-condition).