Senior Systems Engineer
UCLA Humanities Division
Senior Systems Engineer at UCLA HumTech.ucla.edu. Daniel was an undergrad at UCLA when he was offered his first full time IT job. He was deeply involved in the campus Resnet network migration. He specialized in Unix and Routing. His team installed the first Check-Point firewall at UCLA. Also installed the first point to point Cisco Wireless connection from UCLA to a remote facility about 8 miles away. Ventured into the private sector (Telecom and Start-up arena) for about a decade. Managed DevOPS in a hybrid global AWS infrastructure and VMware DataCenter. He returned home to UCLA in 2015. He lead the Humanities into the cloud in 2016 with our first AWS applications for Linguistics and the UWC. In 2020, migrated to central IT's AWS hosted solution. Now all Humanities websites are hosted in AWS. He's been thriving in the Humanities Division supporting all things security, computing, networking, and infrastructure.